Monday, June 17, 2013

Anti-Fracking Rally Albany NY June 17...

Dateline Albany, NY,...June 17, 2013...

Sorry to say it, but today seemed to mark a somewhat uninspired beginning to the 2013 anti-fracking rally season up here in Albany, NY where the protesters seemed to show a real lack of imagination and energy in their effort to catch the attention of our governor/presidential hopeful Andrew (fortunate to be born son of Mario)  Cuomo who probably finds himself in a moral dilemma on this issue pitting him against people who vote (maybe, but who cares anyway)  and the corporate interests who he will be depending on to give big for a national run.  A tough choice on a tough problem.  God help us!!!

The numbers in attendance reported in the press appeared somewhat inflated at 2,000.  Looked more like about 1175 people to me.   The rally covered the same very important issues as the others last year (see 8/27/12 posting), and the arguments against fracking are well discussed all over the place if you are still uninformed.  Nothing new to report on that front from today's get together except that the graphics and presentation were tedious at best and not particularly attention grabbing (see 8/27 posting for comparison purposes).  Even the press presence was quite limited showing a lack of interest on their part.  One big change today, however, was that due to construction related issues, the rally was held on the east lawn in front of the building, which allowed some views of the city for those who haven't been here.

Don't know who's speaking, but he is looking out over a medium sized, not overly impressive turn out with the city in the distance.  The next one is the protesters marching around the capitol building.


If the pictures this time around are not that exciting, its just that the event itself was an understated rehashing of the same issues with a much diminished energy level from the crowd.  I always like to think that great revolutions produce great art.  Not so today.  The highlight of the day for me was a visit from a somewhat demented looking Lady Liberty who does appear worried about us.


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