Red Cloud, Nebraska
Anyone who knows me is probably tired of my rants about the unholy trinity of corporate America, the purveyors of the big lie, Walmart, Disney, and McDonalds, three toxic entities that have actually convinced the American public that they are public service organizations that exist only for the greater good while they poison the bodies, souls and minds of our countrymen and consign our young to lives of meaningless servitude while they rake in billions. But I am not here to rant, I am here to reconsider.
Today was an amazing day in American history and American politics. The very people whose minds and souls have been destroyed by the above named organizations have contributed to the election of Donald Turnip to represent the republican party for president of the United States. They say countries get the leaders they deserve, and of this I have no doubt.
As I lay in bed in the Willa Cather House in Red Cloud Nebraska, writing this, I am reflecting on another quite strange occurrence which happened today. While driving from Omaha to Lincoln Nebraska, Jackie was driving and I was amusing myself by taking pictures of clouds from the car window at 60 miles per hour with no particular intent. Later in the day, while reviewing my shots, I came upon one that was so totally improbable that it gave pause for thought. So far, this hasn't been a good year for photos for any number of reasons, primarily bad weather everywhere we've been and a bad attitude on my part. Until today that is, when an impossible confluence of factors produced the following drive by shooting that occurred with no forethought or intent.
Walmart reached out to me and gave me hope. The only conclusion to be drawn is that there is something wonderful about Nebraska that even makes Walmart look good. So today the impossible has happened. Donald Turnip has been nominated to lead our country and I took this totally unintended photo that magically broke the spell of my 2016 loosing streak thus far. Maybe its time for me to bury the hatchet and stop hating the Walmart big lie and stop by to shop for some of the cheap chinese shit they purvey to the poor souls who have lost their jobs because the work they used to do is now being done for almost nothing by chinese slave laborers in their coal soot spewing factories.
I can feel Walmart reaching out to me, but it sounds like I might still have a few anger issues to work through before I can set foot in a Walmart. But the photo is a good start.
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