Day 32 of the occupation of Academy Park. JFK was killed 48 years ago today. Cold last night, 32 degrees and 39 this afternoon. Overcast and gloomy with a good chance of cold rain mixed with snow tonight. The mood and energy level at base camp are starting to go south with the weather. The last hurrah for the season should have been the "Day of Action" on November 17. It would have been a perfect way to cap off the season of protest and a fitting coda for next year.
The issues will still be there, but even more urgent and the numbers will surge. As Neil Young said "Its better to burn out than to fade away", which is what appears to be happening in terms of steadily diminishing numbers and energy level. If we just wither with the weather, that will be just what the city counted on and they win the hand. If we wait them out cold, shivering, sick and diminished, it is a Pyrrhic victory leaving the troops dispirited and lacking momentum. Grasping at straws with the mock attempts at being arrested for trespassing on state property ploy is a sad cry for help and attention. Regroup...return in the spring...renewed, rested and ready...
Things are starting to have the feel of a ghost town, yesterday's news.
Len, the newest arrival at base camp says he is a trucker from Texas who came in last night because his truck broke down while he was making a delivery and he is awaiting repairs. His cap indicates that he is a union man.
It is time to pack the tents for now, but "not go gentle into that good night".
Addendum...Day 33.
Cold hard rain last night as predicted. Still raining on and off today, 11/23, temp in the mid 40's. On my way downtown today I passed base camp not expecting to see much, and indeed there was not much to see except a group of 25 or 30 damp and soggy Occupiers being organized by Colin with his megaphone exhorting the group on to chant their mantra's of discontent, and hoist their signs, all for one lone TV camera man. There was no one else there watching or seemingly caring at this point. But no one watching TV will know this, if it is even aired. At this point the Occupiers are becoming old news. If this posting is sounding less supportive than it should, that is because it is. Rather than stepping back, and rethinking their next gambit, they have at least one thing in common with George Bush, no exit strategy. They are now treading water and resorting to lame PR scams like the silly attention seeking civil disobedience of trespassing (wow) and demonstrations for no one by a lone TV man. Are they watching what's going on in Egypt to see people putting their lives on the line for the cause. Sorry I didn't have my camera, but you get the photo. It's getting lame and tired.
Following their very successful opening salvo, it is time for a clear exit strategy for the season, at least that's what I think.